Sunday, July 6, 2014

Immigration Reform

In the news recently, you may have noticed the influx of aliens crossing our southern borders to reach our country. The land of the free. (Free hot meal, blanket, place to stay and immunizations HOPEFULLY!) There have been many children sent into our country hoping for better treatment and possible naturalization due to upheaval in central America. The news coverage has shown thousands of children in Red Cross shelters sleeping on cots and floors in detention centers. (Classy, I know.) They come from central America (Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.) looking to avoid the upheaval there in their home countries and seek political asylum in the U.S.

As if the U.S. needs another problem on its hands, this problem seems to come at a time when Congress wont act to pass legislation and the president does not have enough votes to force through Immigration Reform. The towns and cities, especially in Texas, are becoming over crowded with aliens and emergency aid from organizations like Red Cross are strapped themselves. ( I think they know better than to go to Arizona. I am certain they know the Governor would probably shoot the kids herself with her rifle. She is after all, a gun tooting Republican.) Let alone the legal system itself is being weighed down with its duties to process and get these aliens before a judge to render a judgement. President Obama is taking Executive authority to move money and resources as well as beefing up border security. (A little too late though, if you ask me.) This is only a band-aid to a more severe problem. As more and more aliens enter the U.S., its cities and organizations are quickly becoming overwhelmed and it has become necessary to ship aliens further into the U.S. to accommodate their ever growing numbers.With travel comes more fears such as disease.

How insane is it that there is no plan for something like this?!? You would think that Congress would have an emergency plan to accommodate a large number of people seeking asylum in the event of war or famine. Turns out we don't. What is worse, most of these people were not screened for disease. How do we know if these aliens have TB, Measles, Whooping Cough or some other disease? This shit show that has happened is hastily getting out of hand. What measures are there to protect the U.S citizens from the spread of disease? Scabies is another possible situation we might have to deal with. I am not sure about you, but I would not want to be scratching my ass for a while, only to find out it was scabies.

What is more, it is interesting to see that the Bush era laws, that are still in place, are what is allowing refugees to seek asylum in the U.S. I feel badly for the children, I do. However, the influx is happening too fast for our current systems and laws to help them effectively. So far it has been a disaster. I do not see why we can not simply turn them away, for now. Granted their countries are in turmoil. I get it. Yet, it is not the responsibility of the U.S to help the world, maybe in such emergency events. So why do we do it every time? We face our own problems here at home. (For Christ's sake, we cant even get our budget balanced. How are we to help others out if we can't get our own house in order first?)

I hope this crises teaches the Congress that they should act, and soon, to reform immigration legislation! The Dream Act did not pass. Ok, let that be that and start a new on a bill that can have bipartisan support and can pass both houses. (Yes, Mr. Republican, I am also speaking to you as well as your deranged cousin the Tea Party.) Would that not make sense?

Attached is a link to Cnn's show "Cross Fire." As I believe in letting both sides talk, I think this clip comes close to that belief of hearing both sides of the stroy. I believe you will find some similarities between this blog and that clip.

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