Saturday, December 1, 2012


  Okay, I will admit it. I like to rant and rave about things in life. It's one part intensity, two parts passion and one part thrill. Do I like to argue? Undoubtedly, yes. Do it mean that I am mean sometimes? Yes, but sometimes the truth does hurt and I don't rant and rave to hurt people on purpose.
 Somethings in life get my dander up, peoples inpatients, unwillingness to try new things, but nothing hits the internal spot that is my alarm bell like ungrateful people.
  How is it that a person who is handed everything in life, A car, a phone, school tuition, rent, spending money etc, complain about almost everything. I am sorry, but people like that need to be cut off. If you start complaining because you don't get your own way twenty four hours a-day, someone needs to step in and tell you whats up. I want so desperately to be this person. However, due to some complications with family/friends I was told not to. So I will bite my tongue for a little while longer. I myself, made the consent to let this go with the stipulation that if this happened in front of me or involved me, that all bets were off. Until then, I will be the one to give council and advice. let me explain.
  There is a certain person who is closely involved in my life and this said person is a adult, though I shall use that term loosely, who still receives parental dependence with financial aspects of their life.This person is use to receiving everything that they want. Now this person is affixed to a person who is close to me. I in turn want to see my family/friend happy and this person does make him happy. I was asked to bit my toung even thought the person he is seeing is very ungrateful and dependent.
  How would you like it if at every turn I said to you, "Get me this, get me that. Why can't we just do this and not that?" "I don't want pizza, I want Chinese food." "Thomas has a skank of a girlfriend and he should not date her." "Don't hang out with him, or her." "Your parents don't listen to a thing I say" Get the picture?
  Lets take it a step further, my said friend/family takes really good care if this ungrateful individual. Buys this person everything, never says "no." i have given advice on how to handle the situation, but he does not want to hurt the person even though he knows how much of a pain in the ass this person is. I have even gotten  the "its not that bad speech." yet, this keeps happening. I keep giving my unsolicited advice free of charge but keep getting shot down. For now, I will play nice with others, but be forewarned, my claws are sharp and my words sting.
  Getting away from this one example and toward the larger topic of being ungrateful, I must say people who do not appreciate what they have Annoy me. Check that, make me so angry that I have to squeeze my minds mouth shut to avoid unleashing a tidal wave of insults and rude things toward that person. If your parents pay for your schooling, rent, phone and many more, send them a card stating your most grateful words because you don't get may free rides in life. I for one never had my college tuition paid for, nor my rent or cell phone. I always worked for everything I had. I was always told, if you want it, you must pay for it. That is, in my opinion, what makes a good selfless person. (For the person who is ungrateful, they don't work, never really have and when they did, they quit before a month in.)  I will not rant forever, but I do think it is important to find people who are grateful and hardworking. Those who are grateful are happy, those who are hardworking are appreciative of what goes into everything.
  If I had my way, I would have told this person a long time ago what I though of them and their attitude toward everything. But, since it is a little more complicated, I will let it go. Like I stated above only until it affects me, then all bets are off and I can't be held accountable for my words. (I am honest, but not necessarily kind. If respected, you will be respected as well. ) Bottom line, be grateful for everything you have, because one day you might just not have anything, and that will truly be a bad day.

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