Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 reflections

  Its the New Year... well almost. In a matter of hours people all over the east coast will be ringing in new Year. 2013 is almost upon us and we all know what that means. Yes, that's right, mindless reflections of all the "Stars" that have died this year, which songs made Billboards Top 100, what movie broke the box office records, what major world events happened and even which news stories were rated among the years most candid moments domestically.
  Its interesting to reflect on the years gone by once a year, and to remind ourselves what to do better and what never to do again. Once a year we sit down and tell our selves "In the coming year I want to ..... *Insert your resolution here*..." and then three months into the new year we give up. Two years ago I said I was going to exercise and loose weight, eat healthier etc. Last year I said I was going to pay off the rest of my debt (This has been a process that I have been working steadily on for three years, with the only interruption of another student loan that took hold this year.) and this year I though, for one brief moment before almost slapping myself, of trying for another failed New Years resolution. Instead I resolve to say "I will try." Not follow through for the whole year, not promise myself, but simply try to do something. I will not hold myself to a standard I know I will not accomplish. My personal ethics will not allow me to promise something I can not follow through with. So, 2013 will be the year to try to do things. With this being said, I would like to reflect on 2012 from the point of view of my own life. (This will not entail the events of the past year according to the news, radio, movies or gossip but rather a reflection of my life according to me. If you are disappointed, I must say I am disappointed in you for expecting me to recant a sad story of the last year. You're lazy if you missed a full year and did not know of or remember the things that happened.)
  This year was not bad at all. Considering that I am financially stable for now, though student loans make up the bulk of my debt and stands at the equivalent of a mortgage on a small house, I am doing fairly well. granted if someone said here is the winning Lottery Tick, I would take it. I have started this year with the intent on paying my credit card debt and car loan off. That did not happen do to a unforeseen student loan coming due to term, that is the bastards told me I need to start paying. Its a set back, but I guess its ok. I usually do not like to set a goal and not follow through on it, but sometimes plans change. Maybe this year I can pay the debt down. (What would the Founders think of me!)
  I have designated this year to a self study. This included, of course, a study in history. I had decided in early March of this year to study the history/start of Washington D.C., which led to an in-depth study on the Presidency and the inhabitants of the chief executive spot which also spurred a small historiography on the colonial era. Presidents 4-15 were studied and various books about the colonial era of time was also read in between to break up the monotony.  Anyhow, over 25 books later, I am still not sick of reading about the Colonial era that makes up the early part of our nations history. I plan to continue this study in 2013. I guess I am becoming more easy going and tolerant.
  I have grown more independent, yet closer to family. In the past year I have reconciled difference and a "blackout" period with my dad and my brother.This is good news since I have never really held a close relationship with my brother mainly because he is 7 years my senior among other things. It was nice to be present at his wedding and be active in my nephews life, and also to gain a sister in-law. My dad has been trying more, which is nice. I am extremely glad to be able to talk with him as well, along with his new wife, who is a sweet heart. I have also attended more family functions, which is nice, since I always work and have little time for family gatherings. I have grown more independent mentally and am very proud of it. I am no longer seeking approval for the things I do from myself or others. I am doing things that I would like to do and I do it for me. I have learned to do as I see fit and do not worry about what others think. (Not that I have cared in the past about what others think of me. I am ME and I am fine with that.) My mind and lips will be connected from this point forward 100%. If you though I spoke my mind before, well then you might be surprised. I have become brutally honest and if I think something, you better believe I will say it, and I have been. I am not mean, but rather honest. I'm sorry if you cannot handle it, but that's how I plan to proceed.
  Politicking. I have become extremely interested in politics, especially the Presidential election, which I have followed religiously. (Don't be surprised if you see me running for any type of office in the future.) Thanks to the 2012 election, I not only followed the Presidential election but the election of  Pennsylvania's first ELECTED PA Attorney General as well as a new Congressional Representative. Interesting. I have always been interested in Presidential elections, but I guess local elections are just as interesting, if not more. (I will say that I correctly predicted All but one state that would vote for the president. Not to Shabby to predict 49 out of 50 states on which way they would lean. Why will no one from congress call to hire me for any Job. I will take a pages job. Anything to get my foot in the door. Ugh, I can dream.)
 I have also taken the first steps to going back to school. I have enrolled at a local college to FINALLY obtain my teaching certificate. It was a rough start, but hopefully I have worked all the bugs out. Sigh I guess going back to school after a while leave a lot of room for error. I hope to work that out ASAP. Wish me luck.
 Lastly, and in case you are just tuning into my ramblings, I have started a blog. I hope to continually update as things become relevant in my mind.   I attend to talk about a multitude of things, including but not limited to the following: Religion/ Religion in Politics, Abortion, Obesity, The Death Penalty, Taxes (especially sine as I am writing, Congress has not found common ground to extend tax cuts, which means higher taxes, spending cuts across the board and an elimination of most unemployment benefits) Cigarette Smoke, Rescission, Creationism, English as the official language, and God. Hopefully you will stay with me as I discuss these topics and more. As I have named my blog, Someone has to say it, or I will.

As the song Auld Lang Syne Says:
    Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
    And never brought to mind?
    Should auld acquaintance be forgot
    And auld lang syne?

   Should these things be forgotten and should we let rest the things in the past year? I say no! Why forget everything that has shaped you and made you the person you are today? Nothing in life should be forgotten, you should not feel ashamed, you should not regret. You should however learn, reserve a spot in your mind and stick it there for reflection. I never say "I regret..." I say, "Shit, I won't do that again, No way, No how. Thank God there was an opportunity to learn from that mistake." Take everything with a gran of salt, you never know when something will happen to you that you might learn a lesson from that will help you with some future endeavor. Try not to fault people for making mistakes, because we all make them. We all learn and we should move on. So take a cup of kindness yet, for Auld Lang Syne!
  Happiest of New Years to you and yours.May the new year bring health, happiness and good fortune.

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