Saturday, February 16, 2013

Entitlements. Welfare, Unemployment and Food Stamps.

It's been a while since I have last blogged. Mostly because nothing has pissed me off enough to get fired up about, but also because I've been busy with work and school work. Anyhow, yesterday I got an e-mail from a instructor asking us to come to "class"- Laughable since this is a FYSE (First Year Seminar, Education) and not so much a class. Besides I already have a degree, I've had a resume complete since 2006 and you want me to create another so I can accomplish something? What a joke.- with a "...few paragraphs on our opinion on entitlements." Haha, she does not know whats she's getting herself into, asking me to do this crazy ass assignment. As most of you know I am a tad bit opinionated. Just a scosh.
   Anyhow, I started doing this assignment on entitlements and I realized how much I actually hate the idea of people taking them and never contributing to the system. A sponge or Scrub if your still stuck in the early 2000's and a fan of TLC. Ok, if you paid in for ten or fifteen years, fine, by all means, have at food stamps, welfare, medicare etc. However! If you are a person who has a million kids and never worked a day in your live because your stripper husband, Carl, said he would take care of you for the rest of your life and then ran off with Tina, the puppeteer; good luck with your job at Wendy's because you should not be taking things from welfare.
   If you really need it- I'm talking last resorts before you have to sell yourself to grandpa Ron down the street while his wife is out of town, kinda last resort- then I can see how that would be ok. Now the people who go and buy steak and lobster with their food stamps and use their cash assistance to buy cigarettes, those are the people who should be kicked in the junk. There is nothing more infuriating then when you are behind someone in a grocery store with high priced items and they whip out that lovely access card. I feel like saying "Jeez, here I am trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents buying Wal-mart brand everything and you with that attractive hairdo and missing upper teeth are buying steak and cigarettes with your access card." Must be great to walk out of Wal-mart with free stuff. I'd have have to rob that mother to walk out without buying anything.
   Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me? First of all entitlements were created way back in the 30's under FDR and they were created to stabilize our economy. The entitlements of the day were implemented and only suppose to be used for a limited of time. Then again it's the American way to just keep trucking along with something if it works. Don't get me wrong, I am a Democrat and I am for things that help people. However, I am not for people sponging off of the govt for extended periods of time, especially when the people do not really need it and the ones who do, can't get it. I say they should give welfare and assistance out, but reassess these bitches who claim they need it every six months. "Oh, Mrs. Smith, I see you got yourself a job two months ago. What the hell are you still doing on welfare? Kindly take my feet and stick it up your ass, will you? I've been doing it all day to people and I don't think I have it in me to do it one more time." Then go one step further, have the store send, electronically of course, a list of  what they use their access card to buy, itemized,  to the local state building to let the state know what they are buying. "Mr. Deago, I see you went to Gerrity's to get groceries, you bought steak, beer and lobster with your order. You also went to Wal-mart and bought "Debbie does Dallas." I'll give you five minutes to explain why you bought those things at Gerrity's before I take you off Food Stamps and twenty to explain in detail what that movie was about."
   I think by tracking and regular assessments, people would be less likely to dick around. Then again I'm just thinking out loud. How is it in this day and age people are taking the hand outs and using it to get ahead. This baffles me. If that's the case, then sign me up as well, I've been trying to get a head for years. I say if you want to be on welfare, fine, but volunteer your time if your not working or taking care of you "Honey Boo Boo" baby. If you're on welfare and food stamps and you are sitting home all day, I think there is a problem. If we have people who do not work volunteer, I think things that need to get done, would get done quicker. Volunteer at a church, a school, for the govt (Local, State or Federal) etc, but do something besides smoke, drink or eat home. Be productive or helpful. Maybe then people would wonder if its worth all the trouble to go through this to get entitlements. Same thing with Unemployment. Volunteer. It keep your skills sharp and give you a sense of purpose while you feel like shit because your company down sized and did not need your position. " Too bad Bob, but at least you can volunteer while on unemployment." see how much better that sounds than, "Shit Bob, your ass just got let go, good luck staying home all day, every day, with your kids and mother in law. That should be fun."
  By the way, these points are what I put in the two page paper that I wrote for my instructor. And she thought I would come in  with a paragraph. Sheesh. She really does not know me. I think after this she will. Again, I am opinionated but if someone won't say it... I will. :-)

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