Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baseball players, the biker, a tiger and cheating.

Watching CNN today, I discovered that the New York Yankees player " A Rod," to be known  from here on as Mr. Wonderful, might still be taking performance enhancing steroids. Why is it that some people feel the need to enhance themselves. First of all, Baseball is a game. Its not Peter Smith, trying to land a billion dollar account for Conglomerate Co. Its not Janice Roberts trying to keep her client out of jail for murder. It's a game where someone throws a ball at you as fast as they can toward a target the size of a small paper plate, another guy with a stick trying to hit something the size of a peach to more men in a field trying to catch this object hurdling toward them at ninety miles an hour. I swear this game was created by farmers who were high one day, and decided that something needed to be hurled at someone else.
    In case you are wondering, No I am not a very active sports person. I cheer on Penn State in their bowl games,but that's about it. I have never been "that" guy who sits in the same seat for six hours watching the pre-game, then the game and then the high lights afterward. I've never tried to find a way to have everything I need all in one place so as not to miss a moment of the game, just holding on as I clench my legs together to stop the flow of urine from spewing out because I might miss a funny commercial with that dog and the box of Cheez-its. I was always that guy who was reading in the background while stuffing his face with the free food that so often comes with any type of bowl games or series games.
    Back to what annoys me. So Mr. Wonderful, who makes over two hundred thousand dollars a game, might be taking steroids AGAIN! "Oh, The Yankees are so great this season!" I hear people say that all the time. I don't know if that's true because I would rather take straight pins and pierce different parts of my body and let them get infected then watch baseball. What gets my goat, and yes, I used that phrase, is that the success of the team is do to a man who has admitted in the past to taking steroids. Is this fair? NO. If I was playing a game, say dodge ball, and a person three times the size of me decided to play on the other team, I would say unfair. If the guys success at dodge ball was do to steroids on top of his size, I would beat him with the nearest object for cheating. I hate cheaters. At games, in marriages at work, it does not matter, the fact is you were dishonest and you should not be trusted again.
    I say kick Mr. Wonderful out of Baseball. The Yankees should fire this man and make him pay money back to the fans that came to see him, bought his jersey/ uniform with his name or payed extra to get the game in high def. He made, according to ESPN,  thirty million in 2012. I think that would go a long way for little Timmy who's parents have to accept welfare because mom's job as a waitress and dad's unemployment check don't cut it. Or little Beth, the girl that gets picked on because she's a tom boy and her breath smells like Cheese. Not sure how the money would help, maybe she could go buy mouth wash and a brush for her hair.  Mr. Wonderful should for fit his titles/ and wins. Look at Armstrong. They took his wins in the Tour away so quick he never even saw it happen. Or Penn State. They took the Bowl wins and Joe Pa's title away and they, the Team, never did anything. It was that dick Sandusky. (Spelling might be off, but he does not deserve a correctly spelled name.)
   Why is it that as Americans we let people who are well known off so easy? Why not take Armstrong's other testicle as retribution, it will also safe guard that he does not reproduce. Maybe put Sandusky in a shower with bubba or Big Mikey and see what happens. I say we take Mr Wonderful and pump him full of the very thing he loves to ingest and see how much he can take. Its like the t.v. shows that show the mom or dad making the kid smoke the whole pack of cigarettes after finding one in his book bag. Make him vomit. I don't mean kill the bastard, but give him a large amount where it shrinks his penis and gives him a lot of back acne.
  It makes it worse that he is good looking as well. He had Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore and Kate Hudson! What a dick. Leave some of the beautiful women for the rest of the world will you? You have money, looks and fame, I hope you have a small penis! That would just level the playing field for the rest of the straight men out there.
    Can we visit the topic of Tiger Woods? He cheated to, but it took a toll on his marriage and his career. I am glad to see that Nike pulled its contracts with him as well as the others. I think he had a case of the "Have it alls." You know the disorder you get when you have everything you could possibly want and more. I hate when I get that. It sucks having money and toys and men/ woman etc. Its just not happiness. I also think he wanted to get caught. While I am not happy his marriage is dead in the water, I am happy to see that someone did not get away with cheating. His wife up and left, and took a huge chunk of his fortune as well as the kids. Now, that's a smart woman! He lost a kings ransom in contracts and ads. He is however making a kick ass come back. By that I mean, slow and steady, just like that turtle bastard in that fable. I guess good for him, maybe people can change, though I am skeptical of that.
    In a nation that pays out more money to its Baseball, Football and Basketball stars then any other profession,  save movie stars or music artists, we seem to value them more then our garbage men or plumbers, doctors or even teachers. How sad is that? I don't know about you but I think if my kids are getting a good education and they learn something, I 'd say that the teacher should get paid a damn good salary. What about our nurses? They take care of you when you are sick and in need of professional care. They should get paid more as well. Raises for everyone! Except Sports professionals. You just smile and sit there.
      Why do people cheat? Are they bored and looking for excitement? Do they think they will never get caught? Maybe they were dared as a kid, and this is fulfilling Billy's dare to become a rich, successful baseball player who takes steroids and almost gets away with it. Maybe its just stupidity. I like to think its the second one. It makes me fell better and would allow me to sleep at night.

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