Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Thanks We Give

  It's that time of the year again, where people begin to rush around in anticipation of the "Holidays." Gift buying, many hours spent in the grocery store and kitchen to prepare the perfect meal and countless dollars spent in the process. All of which culminate to make the perfect holiday.
  It's times like these that we often forget to stop and be thankful for the things we have. For one day out of the year, Americans give thanks for what they have. One day out of the year... it seems like there should be another day, but then again another Thanksgiving day might just take the "specialness" out of the day. So, I ask in the up coming year (2013) that you take some time at the beginning, middle and end of the year to give thanks to the things and people you have in your life.
  Often times we take for granted the things we have. In a first world nation we can buy just about anything, anywhere and at any time. We have plenty of food, water, homes, money and possessions. Yes, the United States has its problems with debt, politics and such, but we are still a country with freedom, wealth and hardworking people. That in and of itself should be enough to be thankful for. I'm sure you are running late to some event, the dog needs to be walked and that baby you just had is crying and wont stop; but stop for a minute and think to your self: "What if there was no party to go to, no dog to be walked and that baby was never there." How thankful might you be then?
   Its the little things in life that really mean the most. I invite you to find these things during the close of this year and through out the 2013 year. See how much of a difference a smile makes, or simple "Good Morning" to you is, or notice it more when others say it to you. I for one feel a hell of a lot better saying "hello" to someone I pass by, rather than  not acknowledging the person altogether, that's just RUDE. If a person walks by have the decency to notice that human being. Try staying home and doing something with your significant other, rather than going to the bar or a restaurant. Try laughing more rather than fighting. Try more!
   Its Thanksgiving, so in honor of the day that comes once a year to remind us what we have instead of what we want, or have to have or "We'll die," I say I am thankful for the people who come into and exit my life when cued.That they have help me shape the person I am  and without them (both the good and bad people) I would not be who I am today. I always say to myself, "I do not and will not regret one single second of my life. I will take the not so good as a way to learn what not to do and the good as what to replicate for future moments of happiness." Give thanks for everything. Not just one person or one thing, but everything! Your life is rich with beautiful things, you just have to realize it. The thanks we give is the thanks we get. Give more and more will be given to you.

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