Friday, November 16, 2012

Fast, Fast, FASTER!!!!!!

Is time worth anything if you don't have any?
   For the past few weeks I have been noticing people being impatient. Maybe its me,or maybe its because we like things that are fast. God knows I am guilty of being impatient and like to get where I am going, but come on its really horrible anymore.
   In a nation full of people always on the go, it is almost unthinkable that you would run into a unhappy, over stressed, overworked, under paid, and under appreciated person right? They don't exist! No one would get upset waiting at a stop light for more then five minutes while going through downtown. No one would become irate and fly off the handle because Walmart only has two check out lanes open. That just does not happen anymore.
    On the contrary. It seems everywhere I go, I see someone impatient, checking their watch, tapping their foot as they stand in line, etc. Its horrible but in a nation that has express lines, fast food and drive through everything we should expect people to always be in a rush. The U.S. celebrates Christmas for well over a month for cryin' out loud. And spends billions of dollars on those "must haves" Christmas Presents.
     Lets explore Christmas a little more. Black Friday traditionally kicks off the shopping season. Lets face it, my mother was FINISHED well before Black Friday and my Grandmother was finished well before Thanksgiving. Reason, They HATE shopping with other people because they get pushy, complain, and fight over last minute gifts. Black Friday, the day where millions of people trample one another to get their kids/ family member the gift they most desire for half off until 4am only while supplies last. Its nuts to think the day before we celebrate thanks for what we have and the next day we get into fist fights to obtain a gift for your loved one to celebrate Christmas which was originally a holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. Halleluiah! That's the Christmas spirit. "Don't worry hunny, this little bitch is not getting the last iPad. Mommy will kill her before that happens." Jesus Christ is born.
   Now people have the time to stand in lines on Black Friday waiting to rush into their store of choice. But the Lines to get out!!!! Oh, now that's a different story. Last year was my first and last experience shopping on Black Friday. I was standing in line for over an hour to get a gift for my mom. The family behind me and my partner were huffing and puffing because it had been over an hour and the register was not in sight. Their children did not help by complaining. Mind you these were teenaged kids not five and six years old. Here's my thought, if you want the gift for fifty to seventy five percent off, shut the hell up and wait your turn like the other fifty million people in the store.
    How about fast food. People complain that they don't have enough time to get home and cook, so the drive through it is. Then they do that for years and gain about ten pounds. "Son of a Bitch! Do you believe I put another three pounds on?" Uh, hell yeah. Your ass sits from the  time you get up until you go to bed. You go to the drive through and rush to your next destination. Then, they go on a "diet." Woo, and when they dont loose the weight as fast as they put it on, all hell breaks loose. Husbands hear it for years, that they "dont love their significant other because they are fatter then when they got together." Diet pills! Ho, Ho! FDA approve something to melt away the fat. "Please god, let me fit into this suit before the wedding." Fingers crossed. "Shit! I blame Fast Food." Then the whole impatient cycle starts over again and don't get me started on surgery to loose weight.
    How about mail. Have you ever waited from something in the mail? Yeah... Now everything has to be over nighted, or next day delivery. Are you a teacher? Students want grades lickity-split after they take a test or hand in a paper. We have Miracle Grow to make plant grow faster, sports cars and race cars to go faster, long range missiles to hit the enemy quicker, and high speed internet because we can not wait for a dial tone like the old days. Why take a car ride to Grandma's when there is a bullet train that will get you there faster? Why wait in line and  be impatient when you can move fast?
  We do live in a fast paced world. We do want it now. I understand that, but, I ask of you, please dont be impatient if something does not move as fast as you want it to. Its just going to piss off the big guy or that head strong woman standing in front of you and you WILL get your ass kicked. Or worse, you'll piss me off. And when you do, blame yourself because if the person next to me does not say something to you, I will.

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