Sunday, January 31, 2016

Presidental elections... Sigh.

As we embark upon the political season where, let’s face it, anything goes and I mean anything, I thought I would throw my two cents in. I am interested in civics, history and voting. That being said, I tend to watch debates, follow political candidates and understand the workings of our government. As I watch the political candidates for president promise everything, set forth agendas and smile, I can’t help but wonder why some of these men and women are even popular among the general public. Then I stop thinking and see the allure.
The Republican party is a hot mess! With the likes of Trump, Cruz, and Rubio, it’s sad to see that a party that has fielded candidates such a Regean, T. Roosevelt, and Lincoln could fall from grace. Yet, it has. Watching a debate is like watching the lions at the zoo fight over a piece of meat. Disturbing yet comical. Like Charlie brown going for the football that is going to get pulled away.
The Democratic party isn’t much better off. Yet, something seems weird about the comradery of the candidates. It almost seems like the smiles and good will are masking something. But what?!? Watching a debate with them is like watching young children slap each other while giggling. Funny, yet strangely weird. I want to giggle along with them because it’s almost sad.
I hear promises coming from both sides. Some promise to “Make America Great Again” (Whatever that means. I could have sworn for a second, we were already great, but what do I know? Maybe it’s because we buy everything from China or lack a creditable educational system or even equality among all sexes, races, religions and cultures. If Trump is the face of making America great again he sure is doing a shitty job.) Some promise to raise minimum wages to $15.00 an hour (Crazy. Do we know how this could be done? Can you say passing the cost onto consumers? More taxes. I’m sorry but if tiny Timmy who works at the golden archers while in high school is making almost as much as I am, something is wrong with this country. What is the incentive to go to college and work hard then? I might as well quit my job and work in a mindless job. Less stress for almost as much pay. Would I get a raise if minimum wages rise? I better or a bitch is getting’ knocked out. I mean it. End Rant.) Some others promise to build a wall and make emigrating to the U.S much harder. Last time I checked those damn immigrants were… US!!! Plus who are we going to get to build this wall? If we use American labor, we will have a hefty bill and one of the biggest things to be “Made In America” will be the direct opposite of what America stands for. If we use immigrants, the coast is lower but isn’t that ironic? (By the way, do we forget that all of our ancestors came from somewhere else and kicked the Native American’s off of their land? Killed them, forced them to move to reservations where most became alcoholics and trampled over their rights and culture?) Promises, promises, promises.
I just wanted to remind everyone that no matter what a candidate for president promises they cannot deliver most of them. The way the government works is that there are three distinct and separate branches. (Yes three! I bet most of you cannot even give me the names, let alone tell me what they do. It’s sad when I ask students, and they have no idea. Way to go American Education System!)  While all of them are separate, they provided a check on each other. On top of that you have factions (parties) that serves as another check on ambitions and powers, especially of the President of the U.S.). So, getting a wall built on the border, or raising the minimum wage takes more than just a stroke of the presidential pen. Keep that in mind.
I am also encouraging people to really get to know their candidates. Don’t be the person to say they support Trump because “…he’s such a good business man.” Or a fan of Sanders because “… he’s looking out for all of us by making everything equal.” Or a fan of Clinton because”… she’s a strong woman.” Or a fan of Cruz because “… he” I’ve got nothing. I don’t respect him at all so…. yeah let just pretend he isn’t running.
Let’s face it. Trump is a bigot, Cruz and Rubio are too inexperienced, Sanders is a socialist, and Clinton is untrustworthy. What a field of contenders. How does Trump expect to get anything done when he has no idea what he is even talking about? Clinton could get things done, but if you don’t trust your leader, what good can come from it? Sanders could also be a good president, but raising taxes to support all his ambitions is going to alienate a vast majority of people. Cruz is a dick. Let’s face facts. I cannot stand him. I would sooner vote Trump then Cruz. (Can you tell who I don’t like? I honestly have a huge bias. I hope it’s not too evident.)
How sad is it that my two picks for president are people who I do not believe cannot 100% fulfill their promise to do their best in office. At least not yet, you have some swaying to do Lucy! I am still on the fence on who I should choose. I am leaning just a hair toward one candidate, but every time I watch another debate I move more to the middle. I am not sure if tis because I have the ability to reason and think critically, or if it’s because I am getting older.
Anyway, it blows my mind how people can just vote so blindly for a candidate. (Jefferson and Adams would be soooooo pissed to see “The People” voting in mass for a candidate without knowing them and what their plans are. They ensured as many safe guards against this. They must be rolling over right about…. Now.) It also kills me that people do not know how their own government works and assume that the president can just do whatever he or she wants. I feel as though the majority of America is feed up and voting for the one candidate who can bring about as much change as possible to the ever stale Washington circuit. (I want to believe it. I really do, but it’s just a bunch of uneducated idiots who look at the shiniest candidate and hope they don’t screw up the state again. Think monkey with symbols clanging in someone’s head.)
To sum up. Google how our government works. Know who you’re voting for and think about what could happen if they get their way. After all, the old saying does go “Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.”