Saturday, November 14, 2015

Fur children

 My apologies for not writing in sometime. I wanted to talk about  the subject of fur children. Now, I know what you are thinking, he's totally against the idea and thinks this is the worlds stupidest thing. On the contrary. I have a fur child of my own who happens to be stairing at me this very moment. He's cute and cuddly and doesn't talk back. Best part is... No diapers.
   Now, I use to be firmly against people making a big deal of their fur child. Dressing them up in  ridiculous costumes, giving them stupid names such as Mr. Whiskers and bringing them to doggy daycare. What dog needs daycare? Or so I thought. Then I became that dog owner. Oh god, typing that  feels like I've committed some sin. (Note to self. Go to church for the first time in years and fuck up some prayer so I feel less guilty. Amen.... Or something like that.)
   A little over a year ago we adopted our guy from a family who could not care for him anymore. Luckily for us he was not a puppy and he was already house trained. What more could we ask for? He did not act like a dog from the start. He would not chew on anything (Not exactly a good thing. Because he does not chew on bones or toys he has tarter build up. That leads to his breath smelling like he ate a house's ass that was filled with garlic and rotting garbage.) or play ball. He would however sit an judge from a far. Getting to know us and our habits, I am sure he was thinking "What a hot mess these two weirdos are." I know we thought that about him.
  After a year, he has calmed down, we have gotten use to his habits and we are one big happy, messed up family. We wouldn't have it any other way. We also got him signed up for daycare. Not everyday but once a week. This was for socialization purposes at first. The we realized quickly that we had no one who we could leave him with if we went on vacation, or out of town for a night. Daycare luckily had a boarding program as well. So daycare became a socialization option as well as a place he could stay that he felt comfortable.
  On our first socialization trial (Yup, they exist and are to ensure there are no doggy fights. I am starting to think they should do this for people in working environments to see if a person is going to work out. I can see it now. Naww, she's not going to last. She's smelling everyone and she slobbers when she eats... Fire her.) he did well.  Surprisingly he did not get kicked out. Our family feared that because of his attitude and very bad social skills with other dogs he would not be able to go to daycare. To our supprise the daycare said he was great. We had to make sure they were talking about our dog. (Our dog not only judges people but does not like most people or dogs. He's very selective and judge mental. Just like his owners.) Ever since then, he has been attending daycare on Thursdays and staying over when we go out of town.
  On a recent trip to pick him up, his daily report came back to us like this... (So, Gabe learned a new trick today. He has managed to climb over the divider wall and get into the hallway. He has also taught other dogs how to do the same.) I don't have children, but at the moment I felt a sense of dread and pride. My dog was smart and a leader!! He also became that dog who taught others a naughty trick. Like that kid in kindergarten who says a curse and gets everyone saying it. I'm surprised I didn't have dog mom's and dad's calling me. "What are you teaching that dog of yours? What a bad dog parent I must be for letting my dog do that in front of other dogs." Etc.
  If that wasn't enough, I have broken down and bought him a hoodie. I didn't even know they made hoodies for dogs. They do and they come in a lot of colors. I thought, if I'm getting something this stupid, it might as well be cool. No stupid dog  sweater for my dog. No siry bob!! In my defense it gets really cold in Pennsylvania and he is a cocker spaniel.... So I had to. We looked around and found a cool red hoodie. He rocks it!! He also does not like it, but it keeps him warm and on a walk he's ok with it. (Have I mentioned how picky he is in addition to the attitude and judgy personality?)
  He's a cool little dude. He reminds me of Joe cool snoopy maybe even the flying ace. (Note to self, get dog house airplane and teach how to fly. Millions to be made on a live action peanuts movie.) I hate to say it, but I've become that dog owner. Although I use to make fun of those people, I am not as bad as the "cat ladies" and I must say, I like being a fur parent. He's always happy to see me, requires little care and knows how to make your day when you are feelling sad or want to hit a coworker in the face with a frying pan. To be a fur parent is one of the greatest joys in my life. Currently, there is no better feeling in the world.